Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Most Important factors in On-page SEO

1. Content

By and far, the most important on-page factor for SEO is content. And not just any content—great content. Search engines are designed to work for the user, not the business. For a webpage to be indexed for a given keyword, it must have content that fulfills the user’s search query.
Do it: Write content that is interesting and helpful for the user and make sure it is at least 50 words in length. More is definitely better, but most experts agree that 50 words is the absolute minimum.

2. Keywords

Keywords have been the lifeblood of the SEO industry since the very beginning and are still one of the most critical factors for SEO success today, which is why any attempt to optimize a webpage for search should begin with keyword research.
Do it: Brainstorm a list of keywords you think a potential customer might use to find your webpage and then run them through Google’s Keyword Tool. Select the keyword that makes the most sense for your page and has a decent number of monthly searches

3. Page title

Once you’ve chosen your keyword, you’ll want to make sure you include it throughout your webpage, especially in the page title. The page title is not the header. It’s what you see in search results and at the top of your browser window

Do it: Use your keyword in the page title and try to get it near the front (e.g. Chocolate Cake Recipes – Also, shoot for about 70 characters in length. That’s the maximum number of characters that will display in search results.

4. Meta description

The meta description is what you see below your page title in search results. This is where you describe the content of the page for users. The goal is to get them to click on your listing. Search engines will often grab excerpts from your content and use them for the meta description if you don’t have one in place or if your description doesn’t seem relevant to the search.
Do it: You want to include your keyword in the meta description, if possible. It doesn’t help search rankings, but it does give you more control over what a search engine chooses to display. Shoot for about 155 characters.

5. Keyword density

Back in the early days of SEO, keyword density was all that mattered for SEO success. You could simply fill the page with your keyword of choice and top search rankings would follow. Obviously, search engine results suffered. Nowadays, broad keyword usage on a webpage is what matters most.
Do it: Try to use your keyword at least four times on the page, and don’t shy away from using variations as well to maintain natural-sounding content.
Follow these five critical on-page SEO factors, and you’ll be on your way to building more targeted traffic on your website. If you need further assistance or would like to pursue SEO more aggressively, fill out our Start a Project form.

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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Do you want to increase your pagerank? Do you want to know how you can increase your pagerank? Increasing your pagerank is much easier than understanding its algorithm.Let me tell about the pagerank algorithm.

As an introduction , pagerank represents the importance of a website in the vast internet, where a higher pagerank means better importance in search engines. Pagerank is scaled from 0 to 10 and becomes interesting when involves traffic, The websites with high ranks will win more traffic from search engines.
Before starting, you should know that pagerank is updated once in 3 months. Therefore, you should not expect any changes soon after you start working on it.
Dofollow inbound links (backlinks) are the most critical aspect in calculating your pagerank. Dofollow means that your link will be crawled by the bots / spiders of search engines, nofollow is the contrary, and both are set using anchor text attributes. If all your pages in your blog are linked each other perfectly, you will get a pagerank of 1 easily.

So, here are some methods that can increase your pagerank, starting from the easy ones:

1. Interlinking post

Good dofollow linking (internal site navigation) inside your website will be helpful in increasing your pagerank, but it can only helps to reach a pagerank of 1 without external links. Interlinking can be easily done using an archive widget which can be placed in your sidebar, or a sitemap. It will render all your posts / pages connected each other handsomely, since your sidebar / sitemap goes to all your posts / pages.

2. Natural DoFollow Linking

When bloggers write something, they usually put some external links as an additional information for their readers. The links inside posts are usually dofollow, unless the bloggers specifically and manually defines nofollow attributes.

Here is how you can apply it: first you need to write good genunine contents. If then people read and get impressed, there is a good chance that they will put your links in their own website / articles without asked (as additional resources). It gains you more dofollow inbound links, gives you more votes, and you grows your pagerank.

More great (not just good) contents means more chance of getting natural dofollow backlinks.

3. Guest post

This is one of the most used and best technique to increase Page Rank for many past years in blogosphere. Most Big Blogs have options of guest posting through which you can post at their blog and get two or three backlinks (Dofollow) in return to your blog this really helps if you are posting on good Page Rank Blog with the same Niche as yours.

4. DoFollow Link Exchange

Link exchange between sites / blogs is a common thing in the blogosphere / internet. If you have some friends who have websites or blogs with good traffic and pagerank, you can request for dofollow link exchanges. When you can get more of this exchanges, you will earn more votes. Thus your pagerank will increase.

Getting some dofollow link exchanges with quality sites (higher ranked and relevant) are even better.To get link Exchanges,One should be friendly with other bloggers.

5. DoFollow Reviews

Asking bloggers to write reviews / advertorial about your site (with your dofollow backlinks inside them) will also help building your pagerank. Some reviewing services gives you dofollow links by default, while in some others, you need to manually state that you require dofollow links in the reviews.

You will need to spend some funds for this method, which is best for products and services.

6. DoFollow Text Link Ads

There are lot of websites that provide services in text link ads such as Infolinks, Chitka, Clicksor,etc,. Some of them provide dofollow text link ads, which can help you to increase your pagerank. These type of ads will make the websites (where they are located) vote for your site and increase your pagerank.

Text link ads are usually not free and you should spend dollars for it!
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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

One stop guide for Digital Marketing

 Write down search queries - What words might people type into the search engines to look for your  companies website? For my example..if i am looking SEO classed in pune then i as a user mite serch for " seo classes in pune " " seo training institutes in pune" " seo trainer in pune" etc..

Research your chosen keywords -we can use Google Adwords tool to check the competition level for our keywords.. and learn how to use the provided “keyword tool” and “ad text ideas” generator...

keyword research Using these keyword tools..make note of best keywords we can use in our website..

Analyze the current Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) for your keywords - Who is ranking? What are they doing effectively and ineffectively? Investigate and get to know your competition.
 Create a list of your competition - Use the information from the previous step to create a list of competitors. You will use this to figure out how other sites were able to get into your targeted SERPs.

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