Wednesday, December 26, 2012

One stop guide for Digital Marketing

 Write down search queries - What words might people type into the search engines to look for your  companies website? For my example..if i am looking SEO classed in pune then i as a user mite serch for " seo classes in pune " " seo training institutes in pune" " seo trainer in pune" etc..

Research your chosen keywords -we can use Google Adwords tool to check the competition level for our keywords.. and learn how to use the provided “keyword tool” and “ad text ideas” generator...

keyword research Using these keyword tools..make note of best keywords we can use in our website..

Analyze the current Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) for your keywords - Who is ranking? What are they doing effectively and ineffectively? Investigate and get to know your competition.
 Create a list of your competition - Use the information from the previous step to create a list of competitors. You will use this to figure out how other sites were able to get into your targeted SERPs.


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